About us

Message from our Chief

First of all, Ifd like to express my great and heartfelt sympathy to all people suffering from the damage of huge earthquake on March 11, 2011, and pray for all victims lost their precious lives by the tsunami.

We, Miyagi University of Education, established Support Center for Revival in Education for the purpose of revival and further development in education, and training intimate and supportive teachers to the local communities at all regions in Miyagi. Unfortunately, many kinds of educational issues that are hardly settled in a short-term, are still emerged in the progress of repair and revival every moment, such as decreasing the studentsf academic ability level, treatment to psychological disorder like trauma or depression and improve the environment in education.

To those issues, under the cooperation with the committee of Education in both Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City, we investigate the present condition of educational environment in damaged areas and what each school in damaged area expect us, and then we provide the appropriate support to them with all stuffs at national, public and private universities in Miyagi and national universities provides teacher training courses in other prefectures.

I strongly believe that our supportive project would benefit enough to improve the condition in education, and be useful to the further research of how we recover and rebuilt an educational system.

Students who participate this project will find out the difficulty to support others, and sometimes feel hopeless about themselves, but at the same time I expect every student will achieve the practical competence in their future career, and will be able to proud of themselves as a teacher.

Chief of Support Center for Revival in Education
Director of Domestic Cooperation
Vice president of MUE
@Shigeru Nakai